by Kurt Zuelsdorf It’s 9-14-2001. The sky is clearer than one hundred years before. All planes are grounded. No smog dilutes the air, no jet streams distort the cobalt blues. The sky’s un-natural rumbling is silent. - Slung low in my beach chair my bum brushes the sand. The beach aches for my attention and my toes are happy - digging, scraping. - Laughing gulls celebrate over every last kernel of a tourists’ popcorn. Skimmers glide in the soothing surf. A lone dolphin plays just offshore -a laugh then a squeek. Natures song celebrates the stillness that may not be heard again in this lifetime. All of life knows things are different now…somehow. - The fiddler crabs time is now too for they are out marching the sand. My intrusion into their space accepted until the shadows of a heron passes above. A sprint toward home they drop into their holes, but only for a moment then back out to enjoy the day…not to be denied. - A family of raccoons taking a bath in the shallow water along the mangroves. The curious little kits stay close to mother. The crabs move too quickly for tiny paws. Entertainment found in a pelican feather twisting in a low hanging branch - a brief tussle then a taste. - The sun sets too quickly, quietly into the peaceful Gulf… perhaps for the last time… I hope, I pray. The sunset colors are most brilliant of all. Can you see them? Can you see the “green flash”? - The night sky is so clear. Don’t want to leave now…can’t. A new life is beginning. Just Florida and me. The way it used to be… a hundred years ago. The airlines begin again tomorrow - a new era of sand and sky. Comments are closed.
AuthorKurt Zuelsdorf. Published author, Urban Tracker, Outdoor Enthusiast & Kayak Nature Adventures Owner Operator Archives
November 2024